At the risk of sounding un-Canadian I’m going to admit something: I’m cold. I know, I know, we’re in Arizona and I have no right to say that when many of our friends and readers are currently shivering in their Canada Gooses, cursing my name through chattering teeth.
But it doesn’t change the fact that I’m a bit chilly. What can I say? The desert is colder than I thought.
You can imagine my delight then, when I learned that we’d scored pairs of Charentaise Rondinaud slippers from our friends at Port Franc, purveyors of fine European lifestyle goods (like fancy knives, which you know I’m into) in Montreal. “Ship ‘em to Apache Junction, please!” we cried. And so it was.

Old Twitchy Legs Lisa, that’s what we call her.
Now my toes are nice and toasty, and looking boss, too, I might add. I’ve got me a classic blue pair with red lining that miraculously were made in my size (probably the biggest foot in France), which are perfect, but that doesn’t stop me from being a tad jealous over Lisa’s plaid pair.
Photo via Port Franc.
Still, Merry Christmas to us! The slippers felt just right worn with the robes in our Vegas suite 47 storeys over the Strip at The Cosmopolitan, which we were lucky enough to call home over the holidays. We curled up and watched Christmas movies for most of the morning, impervious to the gambling madness going on below us.
Want a pair for your own cold toes? Shop them online right here.