This is one of those beers worth interrupting your bartender for.

“What do you have on tap?”

“Heineken, Canadian, Keiths, Boneshaker…”

“I’ll stop you right there.”

Firstly, even though it weighs in at 7.1 per cent—a heavyweight in the ABV category—it’s often served in a pint glass or by the jug for the same price as whatever else is on tap. In Canada, that shit cray.

It’s also god damn delicious.

Shower Beer Review

I review @amsterdambeer’s introspectively hoppy Boneshaker IPA…in the shower, obviously.

A video posted by Coleman Molnar (@colemanjaro) on

Actual Beer Review

The Package: Not scary, but certainly intimidating. Like, maybe not the guy on the street you’d choose to ask for directions. But if you did ask him, you’d be like, “man, that guy was cool, and he gave great directions.” The dark brown colour hints at what’s inside, which is, um, dark and brown. 4/5

The Pour: Medium head and foam that bubbles down quickly, but doesn’t totally evaporate. Colour is an amber-y, caramel brown…I’m not awesome with colours…but Lisa is, and she says it’s brick. 4/5

The Nose: Big of brown sugar, alfalfa, hops, pine, citrus, and a bit of Ontario skunk. 8/10

The Taste: Gosh wow! Sorry for swearing, but this category is where this beer really performs. It’s got a smooth and thick palate, with a bitter, oaky aftertaste that lingers in the best way. 9.5/10

The Marketing: Amsterdam Brewery does a great job in Ontario, marketing to locals and travelers with a statement-making label that isn’t overtly flashy of schticky. Digitally, Amsterdam Brewery has a strong Instagram, too, definitely worth a follow. 8.5/10

Overall:  My opinion is definitely bias as I’ve spent many a fine summer’s eve on Toronto patios drinking this in the company of great friends, but I absolutely love it. It’s the kind of beer you can order without shame–a real beer drinker’s beer. 9/10

TOTAL: 43/50